Equipment Finance


Whether you are a small business owner or a multi-national fleet operation, having the right equipment is essential to many Australian businesses.


CLBC loans works with you to identify the ideal loan solution, that will not only provide you the ability to facilitate your business effectively but in a financially responsible way.

AT CLBC loans, we cut through the jargon to identify the ideal financial solutions to allow you to get on with the important business of running yours.

The benefits for you when enaging with CLBC loans:

Gain access to a diverse and unique range of products - not available when you go directly to a bank.

We keep up to date with ever changing  financial policies and procedures, so you don't have to worry.

We save you time and money by providing answers more quickly than when you apply direct.

We manage your account for its lifetime and you will deal with the same person every time.

Receive unbiased advice based on over 25 years of comprehensive financial experience.

No fees for service - ever.

There are many items you may need finance solutions for including, but not limited to;

Motor Vehicles
Prime Movers, Trucks & Semi-Trailors
Bob Cats & Excavators
Medical Equipment
Shop & Office Fit-outs

Other Services available

CLBC will help you manage all your loans, keeping things simple.

Save time and the hassle of hunting for the best solutions and service.

  • First Home Buyers
  • Re-Financing (stand and variable loans)
  • Re-mortgaging (consolidating or renovating)
  • Investment Properties

Purchase commercial premises

Acquire equipment

Fund business operations

Look to manage cash flow


The Numbers that matter


Years Of Industry Experience


Clients We Have Helped


Lenders We Deal With

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