Home Loans


When it comes to making possibly the most important investment of your life, you need a trustworthy partner who is on your side.


There has never been a better time to maximise your property investment.

Whether it’s to enter the market, sure-up your current position or build an investment portfolio, having access to non-biased advice backed by 25 years of financial experience, will provide peace of mind now and in the future.

So, how do you choose the right mortgage broker to support you with possibly your most significant investment?

At CLBC loans, we know all successful relationships are built on trust. When you engage with us, you can expect transparent communication, honesty and integrity.


Maximise Government Grants

Investment Properties

Future Proof Your Retirement


Standard and Variable Rates


Consolidating and Renovating


The benefits when engaging with CLBC loans

Gain access to a diverse and unique range of products - not available when you go directly to a bank.

We keep up to date with ever changing  financial policies and procedures, so you don't have to worry.

We save you time and money by providing answers more quickly than when you apply direct.

We manage your account for its lifetime and you will deal with the same person every time.

Receive unbiased advice based on over 25 years of comprehensive financial experience.

No fees for service - ever.

When you partner with CLBC loans on your property journey, we will;

Listen to your financial goals
Identify achievable options and create an action plan
Navigate often complex application processes
Provide ongoing service when and if you require

Other CLBC Services available

CLBC will help you manage all your loans, keeping things simple.

Save time and the hassle of hunting for the best solutions and service.

  • Purchasing commercial premises
  • Acquiring equipment
  • Funding business operations
  • Looking to manage cash flow
  • Motor Vehicles
  • Prime Movers
  • Trucks & Semi Trailers
  • Bobcats & Excavators
  • Medical Equipment
  • Shop & Office Fitouts

The Numbers that matter


Years Of Experience


Clients We Have Helped


Lenders We Deal With

Contact CLBC loans with your questions and requests

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